Mummies, Monsters and Sweet Little Pumpkins

mummy oreo, monster oreo, white chocolate oreos, halloween treats, halloween oreos, baking, dessert, holiday, mummy cookies, monster cookies,

You may be wondering where this post is going based on the dichotomy of a title, huh? Me too. Don’t worry we’re all in this together. I sometimes wonder what it’s like to plan out blog posts. To have them be strategic and organized versus a brain dump of the tiny elements of creativity or […]

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hello autumn

pumpkin apple muffins, pumpkin, baking, fall recipes, pumpkin muffins, fall, autumn, breakfast, dessert

Happy first weekend of fall! In case you missed it, yesterday we celebrated the autumn solstice with record heat in St. Louis. Because nothing says autumn like leaves just giving up and falling because they are too dry to hold on any longer. But there’s hope for your weekend, still. Here are a few ways […]

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Red, White and Blue Roundup

triple berry crumble, triple berry pie, memorial day dessert, fourth of july desserts, pies, summer, dessert, crumble, berries, red white and blue dessert

Well lookie there. Another month or so has gone by and I’ve left you all alone, uninspired and wondering if I’ll ever get back a normal blogging schedule again. Short answer? Maybe? Hopefully? Probably. I had a Memorial Day post planned for you but then I forgot to take a picture of my triple berry […]

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Bad karma and good chocolate

chocolate brownie oreo trifle, halloween trifle, halloween dessert, brownie, oreo, spiderweb trifle, holiday, chocolate, halloween oreo

Have you ever had one of those days where you knew the whole day was going to be off before you even left the house? You know the kind. You’re just leisurely walking the dog (emphasis on the leisurely because your dog suddenly walks like a 90-year old who needs a hip replacement) when your […]

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Patriotic Pie: Behind the Scenes

pie, tart, patriotic pie, fourth of july desserts, stars and stripes pie, berry pie, baking, strawberry, blueberry, fourth of july, independence day

Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be the type of blogger who plans out recipes. I picture her sitting in a clear acrylic chair just off her kitchen at a built-in desk with various Pottery Barn dry erase calendars and magnetic boards above her head, sipping a latte while casually writing a post on her […]

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Trifles and Patriotism

triple berry trifle, summer desserts, fruit, trifle recipes, fourth of july recipes, memorial day recipes, strawberry shortcake trifle

What’s red, white and blue and inappropriately timed on a random weekend between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July? Sarah’s version of a triple berry trifle of course. Because why would someone make this in time for the first patriotic holiday of the year, or instead wait until the second patriotic holiday of the year […]

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Of these things, I’m fairly certain

pumpkin french toast, recipes, pumpkin recipes, baking, brunch, breakfast, french toast,

There comes a point in a thirty-something’s life in which the random things she’s heard, learned, experienced, seen, tasted and smelled over the first third of her life finally start to stick with her. After all, you rarely hear a twenty-something referred to as ‘set in his or her ways.’ No, this art takes years to perfect. If you don’t believe […]

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How to ruin a perfectly good batch of pumpkin scones

pumpkin scones, pumpkin recipes, baking, starbucks pumpkin scones, pumpkin spice scones, recipes, breakfast, brunch

You want to know something funny about these pumpkin spice scones? I threw them in the trash shortly after taking these photos. Why? Because pumpkin is the spice of life people. Well, specifically, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves are the actual spices of life in the fall but you get the idea. Truth is, these just didn’t […]

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candy corn sprinkle covered apple cider donuts

pumpkin apple muffins, pumpkin recipes, fall, autumn, muffins, breakfast, brunch, baking, recipes,

Sometimes I feel like that guy you went on a first date with and afterwards he says you should hang out again soon but then you don’t hear from him for two-plus weeks. And you’re probably over there on the other end of your computer or smart phone like what the heck? I thought we hit it off? Should […]

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Wedding Snapshots: the details

When it comes to wedding and party photos, I’m a sucker for detail shots. And if you’re a sucker for detail shots then we should be best friends. Which is pretty much what our photographer and I became as soon as I looked at her work and saw that she appreciated the little details just […]

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